IVATI’s speeches, classes, and trainings are designed with adult learning and leadership theory applied; this includes dynamic and engaging education through story-telling, problem-based learning,& thought-provoking activities. Intentionally engaging all types of learners & designed to be inclusive to everyone who may be in the room regardless of their role in the industry, all services are tailored and customized to the audience and group we are working with, because the needs of every organization are unique to itself.


As a self-described “Motivational Educator”, Stefanie does not design her keynotes to be surface-level nor cookie-cutter. Every keynote showcases authenticity and vulnerability to engage the audience, while providing invaluable information from both her own leadership experience and research-backed education. You can expect each audience member to be self-reflecting and learning while connecting (and laughing) with Stefanie!


Confidence is Key

The key to achieving what you want in life is quite simple: confidence. How we communicate to ourselves and to others often determines the outcomes of our actions. Let’s face it: ifyou aren’t confident in yourself, how do you expect others to be? As the saying goes, “fake it until you become it”. Learn how to confidently communicate and earn buy-in from those around you. Learn how to embrace the mishaps and challenges life throws your way while walking away with valuable tips and tools you can implement in your everyday life to become more confident. Lastly, learn to step outside your comfort zone, overcome self-doubt and the fear of failure, and achieve all of your personal and professional goals!

Mental Health in the Workplace

People spend at least half of their awaken hours at work, yet they are expected to separate work and personal matters completely. As the saying goes, “what happens outside of work, stays outside of work”, but how is this an appropriate standard to hold people to when their mind will always be present? Despite the fact that 1 out of every 4 to 5 employees are affected by mental health issues every year, many organizations don’t prioritize mental health because they simply do not understand the value of it. By incorporating personal experience, story-telling, and thorough research, Stefanie will share the current issues with mental healthcare in the workplace, its global context, current solutions and benefits, and the potential challenges in finding solutions.

Embracing Change in a World That Won't Stop Changing

Are you sick and tired of hearing the words “unprecedented” and “pivot”? As much as I wish I could predict that we will stop experiencing so much rapid change, I’d feel more confident in saying that we should focus our efforts on how to embrace such rapid change. No one likes change, but whether or not we like it or are prepared for it,change shall come regardless. So how do we cope? How do we stay calm and feel stable amongst change? How do we become the champions of change? Learn how to change your perspective on change and how to practice mental and emotional resilience when change occurs. In times when you have very little control over the environment around you, you must focus on the one thing you can control: yourself.

Cultivating the Dream Team

Despite common myth, there is no such thing as the perfect team. You may find yourself with a bad apple in the bunch, clashing personalities, or different levels of work ethic and motivation. Regardless of all the factors that make up each unique individual on a team, leaders must remember that the dream team starts with themselves! Learn how to cultivate the dream team within the team you already have; discover how to look at each of your teammates as unique ingredients for a recipe for success!

Communication Breakdown (Breakout Session)

With how easy it is to communicate in today’s digital world, communication should be a breeze right? Wrong! Many of the issues within organizations stem from poor communication. As unique individuals, our communication style, preferred mode of communication, listening ability, and learning style affect the communication around us. When miscommunication and misunderstanding occur, it is easy to play the blame game. Instead, we should be playing the understanding game. Where did things go wrong? How can we prevent these things from happening again? Learn to better understand yourself as a communicator, how to effectively communicate with those around you, and how to move forward after a communication breakdown.

Communicate with Confidence (Breakout Session)

As school nutrition professionals, we are constantly communicating to various groups including our coworkers, administration, students, school staff, parents, board members, and the general public. We are constantly thrown into unexpected situations, and how we react and communicate in these situations can make or break the success of the department. How we communicate to ourselves and to others often determines the outcomes of our actions, and if you aren’t confident in yourself, how do you expect others to be? Join this session to learn how to confidently communicate and earn buy-in from those around you. Learn how to embrace the mishaps and challenges life throws your way while walking away with valuable tips and tools you can implement in your everyday life to become a more confident communicator. Lastly, learn to step outside of your comfort zone, overcome self-doubt and the fear of failure, while becoming the confident school professional you are meant to be!

Self-Awareness Knowing Yourself to Improve as a Leader

Do you truly know yourself? Do you take the time to understand those around you? Are you continually working towards self-improvement? The number one key to understanding others and their needs is by first understanding yourself. Embrace the power of self-awareness: the ability to recognize your personal characteristics, your strengths, your weaknesses, your motivation, and your behavior. Learn how these attributes are either making you a successful leader or a leader with room to grow. Learn the tools and steps it takes to become more self-aware as you improve your productivity, management style, and work relationships.

Leader: Leading From Where You Are

Contrary to popular belief, a leader is not a job title, a salary, a hierarchical position, or the amount of power one has. To lead is to influence and we influence others and ourselves every single day without even realizing! Unfortunately, too many individuals are placed in traditional leadership or management roles without building their leader identity first. The good news? You can start building your leader identity from exactly where you are now. Join Stefanie as she discusses how to cultivate your leader identity to positively influence yourself and those around you; identify your own personal motivations and goals to better understand those who might be both the same and different as you!

Back to Basics: Rebuilding Your School Nutrition Program

Nothing flipped the school nutrition field upside down quite like a global pandemic. School nutrition professionals are now left picking up the pieces; how do we reinvent our programs? How do we know what our next move should be? How do we feel grounded after feeling completely lost? While many SNPs are new to the field, others are seasoned SNPs who are burnt out after watching their beloved programs take a huge hit. The key to moving forward is to understand where we are currently at! Let’s take it back to the basics in this inspirational yet educational session where we will discover what we want ourselves and our programs to be and how we can get there!

Shared Leadership: How to Let Go & Trust Those Around You

Do you feel the weight on your shoulders? Do you feel that you have to have all the answers and make all the decisions? Do you feel like you’re carrying the weight of your team on your back? Did you ever stop to think maybe you feel like that because of how you choose to lead your team? It doesn’t have to all fall on you! In fact, the traditional hierarchy in a team or organization can be very ineffective. It is time to practice shared leadership! Learn how to share the responsibility with others on your team to ease the burden on yourself, create efficiencies, and empower those around you as they grown into their own!

Discover Your Leadership Style (Breakout Session)

Is there one right way to be a leader? If only it were that simple! Every leader is different from one another and that is why leadership can be so complex! You may hear the “right” way to lead, but rest assured that how you lead successfully will look very different from the person next to you. Learn about the pros and cons of different leadership styles, how to know which styles work best for you, how to improve certain styles, and when you should be utilizing or avoiding different leadership styles!

Humanistic & Ethical Leadership

In a world full of rules, regulations, decisions, and data, it seems as though we have removed the human aspect of leadership. Leadership doesn’t exist without human behavior and relationships, which is why ignoring this aspect of leadership is hurting organizations in the long run. So how do we lead with a humanistic approach? Additionally, how do we lead with an ethically sound mind when ethics can mean something different to everyone? Learn how to be a more ethical and humanistic leader to better yourself and your team!

Change Management 101 (Breakout Session)

We’ve all heard it at some point; the only thing constant is change itself!So why do so many of us struggle with handling change? Why do so many organizations struggle with implementing change successfully? No one said change was easy, but there is a method to the madness! Join this session to learn the basic of change management including the diagnosis of the problem being addressed, what factors to consider, what data to gather, and how to evaluate whether a change program was successful! This class is valuable for all individuals regardless of their role, because successful change does just come from thoughtful processes; it comes from successful mindsets!

Note: All offerings can be presented as a keynote or as a breakout session; the content/presentation will be slightly different to fit the needs of a breakout session.


This popular service ensures your team is receiving impactful training while also allowing yourself to take a back seat! Stefanie learns the fine details of your team, their learning needs, and your expected outcomes. From there, she designs a completely customized half-day or full-day training that will leave your team feeling inspired, informed, and motivated to continue their development after their time with Stefanie has ended!


1. Pre-Design Survey

The goal of this survey is to gather the most accurate and valuable information about your department, your team, and your expectations as I tailor the training to you and your team.

This survey will help me design which topics of learning I will focus on along with which modes of development I will utilize to best engage and impact your team as a whole.

It will be a virtual multiple-choice AND open-ended survey for ease & accuracy.

*This is in addition to our initial conversation

2. Training Design & Creation

The training design phase will be when I design and create the training outline and materials utilizing the information I gather from the survey.

Before I start designing, you will receive a summary of the overall information and themes I gathered from the survey; this gives you another opportunity to ensure we are both on the same page of your expectations.

Once the design process has begun, you should not hear from me too much during this phase except if I come across a few questions that I need you to elaborate on, ensuring that I have clear understanding and will provide optimal service.

3. Pre-Training Virtual Meeting

Once the training design and creation is complete, we will schedule a virtual meeting to review what I have planned for theday-of training.

I expect this meeting to be a two-way conversation allowing you the opportunity to provide feedback, suggestions, and requests,so the training is optimal for your team.

The goal of this meeting is to ensure we have the same expectations for the day and to work out any last minute details or questions either of us may have (and to get us excited!).

4. Training Day

The day is finally here!

The day of training is when all of our planning and hard work come together to create a fun, valuable, and memorable learning and development experience for your team!

I never promise perfection because I am only human, but I promise to give my all and make the experience an educational and enjoyable one for your department!

5. Post-Training Client Survey

Once all is said and done, I will ask you for a small favor and that is to help me grow and improve!

I will provide a survey in both a digital or printable format (whichever you prefer) that allows you and your team to provide me feedback. This survey will have both multiple-choice and open-ended questions allowing honest (but anonymous!) feedback. I truly appreciate and welcome all feedback as it helps me to be better and do better for my clients.

If you could fill this out along with your team members that are willing, that would be greatly appreciated (the more the merrier!).


Whether you are new or experienced in your leadership role, leadership development coaching will not only reveal, but help you achieve, your untapped potential as a leader. Stefanie is the coach that is right along side you developing your self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership efficacy. Through honest conversation, self-reflection, and positive encouragement, Stefanie helps you to see the leader you currently are and the path you must take to be the leader you want to be. Coaching services are offered monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly depending on your goals and needs.


1. Initial Survey

The goal of this survey is to gather valuable information about you, your goals, your team, & your expectations.

This survey will provide me with valuable information to create a general yet accurate plan for your development. Additionally, this information will give me a 360-view of you & your environment since I can’t observe you at work.

It will be a virtual multiple-choice AND open-ended survey for ease & accuracy.

2. Leadership Development Plan Design

After you complete the initial survey, I will analyze & create a summary of the overall information & themes I gathered from the survey. I will then take this information & design a plan for you including your goals & how we plan to reach those goals.

I will put this plan into a visual to help guide us in our initial meeting.

3. Initial Meeting

Once the training design and creation is complete, we will schedule a meeting to review what I have planned.

I expect this meeting to be a two-way conversation allowing you the opportunity to voice any questions or concerns you may have.We can always modify the plan once we meet to make sure it perfectly aligns with who you are and your personal goals.

Additionally, this meeting will allow you to communicate to me how I can best lead you based on your own communication & learning style. I want us to be on the page, so I can optimally support you.

Your wins are my wins!

4. Coaching Meetings


Whether it be weekly or bi-weekly, our coaching meetings will consist of a similar (yet flexible!) format:

  • 60-Minutes
  • Check-in from last meeting
  • Journal prompt or “homework” review (provided by me the last time we met)
  • Reviewing successes & struggles since we last met
  • Coaching (technique, behavior modeling, role play, action learning etc.)
    • This is where the flexibility of the meeting occurs because the direction of the meeting will be based on the information you come to me with
  • Questions/Concerns
  • Going over what we want to focus on until next time we meet
  • Journal prompt or “homework” provided
Weekly Coaching
  • 1-hour coaching calls each week (Scheduling can be flexible)
  • Weekly personalized emails (sent every Monday)
  • Leadership journal provided by me to take notes, journal, & complete reflective prompts
  • Unlimited email/text access with a 24-hour turnaround response
  • Written communication support (I can help edit any emails or printed materials)
  • Leadership & Personal development resource recommendations/provided (books, articles, videos,podcasts)
Bi-Weekly Coaching
  • 1-hour coaching calls every other week (Scheduling can be flexible)
  • Bi-weekly personalized emails (sent every other Monday)
  • Check-in surveys for you to fill out on the weeks we are not meeting so I can still track your progress until our next meeting
  • Leadership journal provided by me to take notes, journal, & complete reflective prompts
  • Unlimited email/text access with a 24-hour turnaround response
  • Written communication support (I can help edit any emails or printed materials)
  • Leadership & Personal development resource recommendations/provided (books, articles, videos,podcasts)
5. IVATI Review Survey

I ask you for a small favor every few months & that is to help me grow & improve as a leadership development consultant!

I will provide a survey that allows you to give me feedback. This survey will have both multiple-choice and open-ended questions allowing honest feedback. I truly appreciate and welcome all feedback as it helps me to be better & do better as your coach. Remember, a big part of leadership development is wanting feedback & trust me when I say: I want your feedback!


Eager to learn how IVATI can empower your organization? Set up a FREE 30 minute discovery call today!